New Mobility Scooter Handed Over To Local Resident

Working within the government guidelines amid the Covid 19 pandemic it was business as usual for The CSS Charitable Trust, based in Braintree.
Trustee, Collette Gleeson, recently handed over a new mobility scooter to local resident Michael Bartlett. Michael suffers from a rare genetic condition which affects his lungs.
Michael said: “After experiencing a long period of breathlessness over several months I was eventually diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder called Alpha1 anti trypsin deficiency.
To learn I would need a double lung transplant was a huge shock. Life changed almost immediately as I was medically retired and unable to do basic things like climb the stairs or walk any distance unaided.
I had a stairlift installed as my illness deteriorated and found any gradient whilst walking nearly impossible.
The CSS charity contacted me with an offer of help to purchase a lightweight scooter. My old scooter was heavy and un-reliable, so this upgrade really changed my life for the better as it breaks down into small parts to allow it to be put in the boot of the car, therefore expanding my travel options.
I will forever be grateful for the team at CSS for their help and hope they continue to help other local people in need in the future.”
William (Liam) Gleeson, Chair of the Trustees, said: “This year has been particularly hard for everyone during the pandemic. We have obviously not been able to continue to organise any of our regular fundraising events, but we were happy to step in and help Michael get out and about safely following his period of shielding. We hope this new scooter will help him enjoy quality time with his family."
The CSS Charitable Trust was set up in 2013 to provide assistance to worthy causes within the Braintree District.